A Dragon Boat is a giant Chinese war canoe (see pictures). The Springfield Dragon Boat Festival is a series of friendly, fun dragon boat races between groups, companies, organizations, etc. assembled to compete for one day. The Festival goes from 8am to 4pm on a summer Saturday (date shown above) at North Riverfront Park on the Connecticut River, 121 West Street, Springfield, MA (See parking directions below). Your team needs at least 17 people: 8 men, 8 women, a Drummer (wears a costume, beats a drum, rides in the bow of the dragon boat), plus a few spares.
Each race is 200 meters (about 2 football fields), lasts about one minute, each team races at least 3 times, no experience is required, all equipment is provided, a practice session is included, and medals are awarded! Festival proceeds benefit the Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club, a Springfield non-profit connecting people with healthy riverfront activity.
Admission is free for spectators to enjoy the dragon boat racing, food trucks, cultural performances, and more!
This is a park-at-your-own risk location.
Please carpool as parking may be limited.
An optional donation of $10 to support PVRC programming may be requested.
Volunteers please park at 55 Avocado Street.
I'm Interested! What do I do next?
Get ready to have a Great Time and save the date (see date at top of page)
Register your team (have your Team Name ready!) by clicking Register Your Team, above.
Invite people age 16+ to join your team by forwarding them the sign-up email you receive after registering.
If you need help or ideas to build your team please contact festival@pvriverfront.org
For Community Teams: (who are coming to the festival for a day of fun, and don't compete at other dragon boat festivals or hold regular practices) When you have 8 women, 8 men, a Drummer, plus a few spares, you are ready! We will be in touch with you to schedule your practice session the week before the festival. Extra practice sessions may be available: contact festival@pvriverfront.org. A certified Steersperson is provided.
For Club Teams: (who practice regularly and compete against other Club Teams at dragon boat festivals), you'll need at least 8 women, a total of 20 paddlers (but you may register 25, as spares), and an Active Drummer. A certified Steersperson will be provided if needed.
Coming Soon: Our policy on Cancer Survivor Teams (check back here).
Make a team short-sleeve t-shirt to wear the day of the Springfield Dragon Boat Festival. Hint: put your logo on the sleeve so it can be seen while you wear a life jacket.
You will be provided a team tent site, but must provide your own tent (this is a rain or shine event). Please decorate your tent and site to show your team spirit!