Andy's Kayak Rental
Open June - September. See Dates under Reserve a Kayak, below.
We offer individual kayak rental on weekends, from 10am to 2pm.
FREE FAMILY FRIDAYS start June 14 at 5pm. No reservations, first come, first served! Weather dependent.
Rates are normally $20/hr but for the summer of 2024, Kayak Rental is FREE, but donations are accepted
If there are no reservations, we may not open. Click the "BOOK" button below for availability.
If it is raining heavily, we may not open.
Making a reservation is free. Payment is taken when you arrive.
Groups of 4 or more may kayak (almost) any time. Call or email us one day in advance 413-736-1322 or info@pvriverfront.org to make a special group reservation. Special group rates available.
See available reservation times below.
reserve a kayak
Walk-ups (no reservation) allowed, but a reservation is preferred.


Andy Vezis
re-opening memorial day weekend
Your name on a kayak helps 3 causes: ① Community Youth Programs, ② the Fight Against Colorectal Cancer, and ③ PVRC Operations.
Sponsorship costs $150 per sticker, or $500 per boat (4 stickers, 2 designs). Contact us at info@pvriverfront.org
Full color sticker(s) with name and/or logo on kayak for one year.
1 free sticker on PVRC Sponsor Board in boathouse, forever.
Each whole boat sponsorship pays for one group outing for Community Youth in kayaks, including fresh fruit snacks.
Thank you on PVRC Facebook, Instagram, Annual report, website
$20 per sticker is donated to Fight Colorectal Cancer (fightCRC.org) in memory of Andy Vezis.
Approximate sticker placement is shown below and varies by kayak:

*Is there an earlybird registration discount?Often there is! Click Sign Up to jump to the registration page. Each program will list any incentives for early registration.
What should rowers bring and wear?Wear athletic clothes, and bring a hat, and water bottle. Clothes should be snug fitting, non-cotton. Shoes are required, and they might get wet.
What happens if it rains?Your session will happen if the forecast calls for rain, please dress appropriately, in layers if needed, but not cotton as it just gets heavy and soggy. In the event of lightning or high wind, your session may occur indoor on training machines, or be cancelled, or rescheduled. We monitor the weather closely and will communicate with you if there are any changes.
How is information about the team, regattas, and other PVRC events communicated?"Your first source of information is PVRC’s website, pvriverfront.org. We use GroupMe to communicate with participants and their parents. If you know you'll be enrolling, please install the GroupMe app on both parent's and participant's phone. This will make it easier and faster to add you to your specific program's group. We use email for non-urgent, lengthy, and other important communication. The Boathouse Phone number is 413-736-1322, where you may also leave a message. Messages are checked daily.
What does the registration fee cover?The registration fee covers coaching; equipment use, maintenance, and repair; and use of PVRC’s Rockrimmon Boathouse and facilities.
What are other costs associated with being on the PVRC Rowing team?1. Regatta fees: These fees cover the team’s costs associated with rowing in a regatta. These fees are assessed to each rower on each squad rowing in a given regatta. 2. Uniforms and other PVRC logo wear (for rowers and their families/supporters) are not included in the registration fee. 3. Occasionally, PVRC offers extra trainings, such as school vacation week training, and team field trips. These are not included in regular season registration fees. 4. USRowing membership - see below.
How do I register for PVRC programs?Welcome to PVRC! There are several spots on pvriverfront.org for registering. When you click on one, you will be brought to the registration management page. Please note that PVRC’s registration functions are hosted by Regatta Central. Any charges to your credit/debit card will show Regatta Central. This can be confusing because Regatta Central also lists many regattas that PVRC participants attend and rowers and their families are often directed to Regatta Central for regatta information (see the Regatta Information button above for more on this).
Can you please explain those regatta fees better?There are many costs associated with a team racing at a regatta. Each boat entered has an entry fee. Some regattas charge an administrative fee on top of the entry fees. PVRC must rent a truck big enough (Ford F250 or similar) to pull the boat trailer so there are vehicle rental fees. Traveling by truck includes gasoline and tolls. Coaches are paid for their time. Sometimes, coaches must stay overnight for a regatta and they need hotel rooms. The Executive Director works with the coaching staff to determine the entire cost of attending the regatta and then divides that cost amount among all the rowers, including coxswains, in each squad racing in that regatta. (Some regattas are only attended by varsity rowers, some are attended by all rowers, some are middle school only scrimmages, etc.) Regatta fees are payable by check, made out to PVRC with "regatta fees" as the memo. For other payment arrangements (credit card, venmo, cash) please see the Executive Director. For more information about regattas, please see the Regatta Information page.
Should my rower join USRowing?Yes! USRowing is the national governing organization of the sport of rowing in the United States. Joining not only offers educational and training opportunities, but helps support this amazing sport and the US National and Olympic rowing teams. Some regattas attended by PVRC require USRowing liability waivers and membership for all participants. When joining USRowing, use the rower's name and information (including date of birth and email address), not the parent’s/guardian’s. (Although, parents/guardians can join, too and show support!) Initially choose the Individual Basic Membership ($9.75 per year). Make sure to fill out the waiver! Without this waiver, athletes will not be allowed to compete at certain regattas PVRC attends. These are USRowing rules for these specific regattas and there is no flexibility. Other regattas require a different level of USRowing membership. (Again, this is a USRowing rule and all athletes who participate must comply.) Once your rower has an Individual Membership, this can be accomplished by logging into your rower’s USRowing account and adding a “Regatta Package” for $25.26 or upgrading to a Championship Membership ($45). If a rower needs an upgraded membership to row at a particular regatta, s/he will be notified prior to that regatta. Please note - USRowing membership is separate from PVRC program registration fees and regatta fees, which are administered by Regatta Central. USRowing is paid directly for a rower’s USRowing membership. Here is the link to the membership section of USRowing.
What is the difference between USRowing and Regatta Central?USRowing is the national governing organization of the sport of rowing in the United States. Regatta Central is a website used for club management and regatta management. PVRC uses Regatta Central for its club management functions. This is why rowers need Regatta Central accounts. Their program registration fees, regatta and travel fees, and even fundraising are paid through Regatta Central. Many regattas PVRC attends also use Regatta Central for regatta management, which is why we look at Regatta Central for details about certain regattas.
Where can I find basic information about rowing?USRowing is a great place to start. This is a super glossary of terms . Here is a nice, brief history of rowing. As you may have guessed by now, you and your family will be learning a whole new language.
During what seasons does PVRC offer programming for youth rowers?Fall. Winter. Spring. Summer. PVRC is here all year for you.
What are my responsibilities as the parent/guardian of a rower?Parents/guardians provide support for rowing teams more than most other sports. Regattas are all day events, sometimes multiple day events. Rowers need to be fed. All day. Boats, oars, and coaching launches are much bigger and more expensive than a bag of soccer balls and a goal net. Without the parents’ help, teams could not make it to regattas and have successful seasons. As a parent/guardian, you are expected to provide food and/or help in the food tent for every regatta your rower attends. Please see the Regatta Information page for more detailed information about regattas, the food, and the food tent. We understand that families are busy with many commitments and demands on their time and that you will not necessarily attend every regatta. Please make every effort to attend as many regattas as possible. The rowers need you. Parents are also expected to fully support their rowers in fundraising activities. PVRC has fundraising efforts every season. Registration fees cover only about one-third of PVRC’s operating costs. The remaining is covered by fundraising. There are several events on PVRC’s annual calendar that require help from volunteers. Pease help when these opportunities arise. The events are fun and critical to the success of PVRC. Coaches hold mandatory meetings for parents and athletes before each youth rowing season. Multiple dates and times are offered for your convenience. Please read the Parent Code of Conduct.
What if I have questions during the season. Who can I ask?Rowers often have most of the information you need. They aren’t great sharers of said information, so ask them. If they don’t know, ask in your squad GroupMe, any experienced rowing parent, any coach, or the Executive Director.
Does PVRC do fundraising campaigns?You bet! PVRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and has targeted fundraising campaigns during the fall and spring rowing seasons, as well as ongoing development efforts. Registration fees cover only about one-third of PVRC’s operating costs. The remaining is covered by fundraising. Please support your rower’s efforts in fundraising activities.
What do my rower and I need to know about rowing in college?Rowing is an increasingly popular sport. Both men and women have many opportunities to row in college. Some high school rowers even get scholarships for rowing. PVRC is quite proud to have had many youth rowers go on to row in college. Several were recruited by college coaches and given scholarships.
Gosh, PVRC is so awesome! How can I get more involved?"PVRC has many opportunities to volunteer and several committees. From development to equipment, marketing to finance, facilities to events, your talent and time is needed. Contact the Executive Director or any board member to hear more about any of the volunteer opportunities.