Executive Director
Quick has been the Executive Director of PVRC since the Spring of 2016. Before accepting this position, he was a parent-volunteer since 2012, a competitive rower with the Masters Crew since 2014, and volunteer Chair of the Marketing Committee since 2015. In the Fall of 2014, he first began Erg workouts and competed in the March 2015 Rockrimmon Ergatta. Racing that Spring in Masters 8, Masters 4 and Mixed Masters 4 crews he was selected for the Four entered in Head of the Charles. Taking the helm (coxing the Crew?) of PVRC is a fulfillment of a goal to share the PVRC experience with Pioneer Valley residents and beyond with a common passion for the river, the outdoors, and healthy living.
drew coleman

Head Coach
Coach Drew Coleman has a BS in Marketing from Louisiana State University where he rowed competitively. Since graduating he has coached rowing athletes in Community and Collegiate programs from Seattle to Chicago. Drew brings his experience, energy, Spanish-language skills, and positive attitude to PVRC where he is working closely with club leadership and returning staff to provide a rewarding rowing experience for all. Drew joined PVRC in August 2023.
isabelle bigelow

Assistant Coach
Coach Isabelle joined the Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club as a volunteer in the fall of 2023. While pursuing a Master's Degree at Springfield College in Athletic Leadership, Isabelle applied her rowing experience as a coaches' intern over the winter. Joining the staff to coach adult and junior rowers in the spring of 2024, Coach Isabelle brings her academic knowledge and competitive collegiate rowing experience from Washington College to help usher PVRC rowing to the next stage of excellence.
Becky mason

Dragon Boat Coach
Becky joined the Dragon Rays in 2015 when she was looking for something fun and different to do. She has been a dedicated teammate ever since. By the second year she was learning how to steer and drum. She is a good steersperson and an excellent drummer. Seat 8 is her favorite seat to paddle from. She has been a part of every Springfield Dragon Boat Festival from the second year. The happiest place for her is on the Connecticut River in a Dragon Boat with her fellow Rays. For 2018 and 2019 she was one of the team captains and in 2022 she began serving as coach of this wonderful team. Working closely with the team captains, she knows each year will be better than the last! Go Dragon Rays!
H.b. Hollister

Assistant Coach
Coach HB has been a part of the PVRC organization since 2017 when she chose to share her passion for rowing by coaching Novice junior rowers while working her full time job at BHN. A rower since her undergraduate days at Springfield College, HB is a crisis counselor by profession today. HB's belief in the PVRC community boathouse mission to work with any and everyone who comes to us is a strength that is carrying us forward for post-pandemic growth.
Bob "Bullet" Englehardt

Assistant Coach
With 30 years of rowing and coaching experience, Coach Englehardt brings versatility, utility, and the ability to teach the sport of rowing to adults and youth alike. First rowing for Springfield College, Bullet now rows competitively with the PVRC Masters when not coaching.
mike plummer

Assistant Coach
Coach Plummer has been coaching youth rowing at the Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club since 2016 when he was an undergraduate at the University of Massachusetts. He started rowing at Glastonbury High School, continued for UMass crew, and completed USRowing Level 2 Coaching certification. Coach Plummer teaches in the Springfield Public Schools and coaches part-time for PVRC. He is an enthusiastic, versatile coach who shares his passion for rowing with PVRC youth and adult rowers.